New River Gorge National Park & Preserve (NERI)
My 110th NPS unit located in West Virginia has been on my mind over the past year and even before being designated as one of the 63 (big) national parks. After visiting the Canyon Rim Visitor Center, I knew immediately that I need to come back and spend a lot of time here. I felt like I had the park to myself as I was exploring on a Monday afternoon, such a treat.
Here are some snaps from my visit in March 2021.

Follow my journey.
Chris Rief Photography
RT @bluelightngbear: They had us at goats! 🐐 Happy Birthday to Silver and Star (not sure which is pictured here)! 📍… https://t.co/Y1cz9DyIju
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RT @NationalMallNPS: Murdered 55 years ago today in Memphis, TN, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s influence is still felt today. His words… https://t.co/FkKq1YDxFZ
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